Canna Smooth-Organic Oil Planing

AudGirl Aesthetics

Canna Smooth-Organic Oil Planing

$ 95.00
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Refresh and brighten dull, rough skin by removing dead cells and peach fuzz too! Relaxing dermaplaning, deep cleansing and hydration for baby smooth skin. Oil planing is a great option for those who have rough or mildy acneic skin.

 Oil is your friend, you free-spirited non-conformist flower child. We were tricked for many years with the buzzword, oil-free, into thinking that oil was bad for our skin. It's just not true. Hemp seed oil is one of my favorites and is non-comedogenic. This elixir is chock full of organic, skin loving EFA's (essential fatty acids, omega oils) and benefits ALL skin types.

Hemp seed oil is used for cooking, hair and skin care formulations, fiber and more.  George Washington himself was a hemp farmer! Thomas Jefferson drafted both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution on hemp paper! Put it on your face!

Allow 45mins. 

Add oxygen infusion $40